The Slang project contains Python bindings, packaged as a library called pyslang
This library provides a Pythonic interface to the Slang parser and evaluator, allowing you to load SystemVerilog source files, inspect the syntax tree, and evaluate expressions.
pip install pyslang
or, to update your installed version to the latest release:
pip install -U pyslang
or, to checkout and install a local build:
git clone cd slang pip install .
Example Python Usage
Given a
source file:
module memory( address, data_in, data_out, read_write, chip_en ); input wire [7:0] address, data_in; output reg [7:0] data_out; input wire read_write, chip_en; reg [7:0] mem [0:255]; always @ (address or data_in or read_write or chip_en) if (read_write == 1 && chip_en == 1) begin mem[address] = data_in; end always @ (read_write or chip_en or address) if (read_write == 0 && chip_en) data_out = mem[address]; else data_out = 0; endmodule
We can use slang to load the syntax tree and inspect it:
import pyslang tree = pyslang.SyntaxTree.fromFile('') mod = tree.root.members[0] print( print(mod.members[0].kind) print(mod.members[1].header.dataType)
Expected output:
memory SyntaxKind.PortDeclaration reg [7:0]
We can also evaluate arbitrary SystemVerilog expressions:
session = pyslang.ScriptSession() session.eval("logic bit_arr [16] = '{0:1, 1:1, 2:1, default:0};") result = session.eval("bit_arr.sum with ( int'(item) );") print(result)
Expected output: