pyslang.NetType class


class NetKind: Unknown = 0 Wire = 1 WAnd = 2 WOr = 3 Tri = 4 TriAnd = 5 TriOr = 6 Tri0 = 7 Tri1 = 8 TriReg = 9 Supply0 = 10 Supply1 = 11 UWire = 12 Interconnect = 13 UserDefined = 14

Static methods

def getSimulatedNetType(internal: NetType, external: NetType, shouldWarn: bool) -> NetType


def isDeclaredBefore(self, target: Symbol) -> typing.Optional[bool]
def isDeclaredBefore(self, location: LookupLocation) -> typing.Optional[bool]
def visit(self, f: object) -> None
Visit a pyslang object with a callback function `f`.

Special methods

def __repr__(self, /) -> str


declaredType get
declaringDefinition get
hierarchicalPath: str get
isBuiltIn: bool get
isError: bool get
isScope: bool get
isType: bool get
isValue: bool get
kind: SymbolKind get
lexicalPath: str get
location: SourceLocation get
name: str get
netKind get
nextSibling: Symbol get
parentScope get
randMode: RandMode get
resolutionFunction: SubroutineSymbol get
sourceLibrary: SourceLibrary get
syntax get


Interconnect = NetKind.Interconnect
Supply0 = NetKind.Supply0
Supply1 = NetKind.Supply1
Tri = NetKind.Tri
Tri0 = NetKind.Tri0
Tri1 = NetKind.Tri1
TriAnd = NetKind.TriAnd
TriOr = NetKind.TriOr
TriReg = NetKind.TriReg
UWire = NetKind.UWire
Unknown = NetKind.Unknown
UserDefined = NetKind.UserDefined
WAnd = NetKind.WAnd
WOr = NetKind.WOr
Wire = NetKind.Wire

Method documentation

def pyslang.NetType.visit(self, f: object) -> None

Visit a pyslang object with a callback function `f`.

The callback function `f` should take a single argument, which is the current node being visited.

The return value of `f` determines the next node to visit. If `f` ever returns `pyslang.VisitAction.Interrupt`, the visit is aborted and no additional nodes are visited. If `f` returns `pyslang.VisitAction.Skip`, then no child nodes of the current node are visited. For any other return value, including `pyslang.VisitAction.Advance`, the return value is ignored, and the walk continues.