/home/runner/work/slang/slang/include/slang/util/ directory

Various generic utility types.


file Bag.h
General container of arbitrary objects, keyed by type.
file BumpAllocator.h
Fast allocator based on pointer bumping.
file CommandLine.h
Command line argument parsing support.
file ConcurrentMap.h
Concurrent unordered hash map and set.
file CopyPtr.h
Value-copying smart pointer.
file Enum.h
Various enum utilities.
file FlatMap.h
Flat unordered hash map and set.
file Function.h
Function-related utilities.
file Hash.h
General hashing algorithms.
file IntervalMap.h
Specialized map data structure with interval keys.
file Iterator.h
Helper classes for working with iterators.
file LanguageVersion.h
Enum specify SystemVerilog language versions.
file OS.h
Operating system-specific utilities.
file PointerIntPair.h
Space optimized pointer + int pair type.
file PoolAllocator.h
An allocator that saves recycled objects in a pool.
file Random.h
Utility functions related to randomization.
file SafeIndexedVector.h
Type-safe indexed container.
file ScopeGuard.h
Contains the ScopeGuard utility class.
file SmallMap.h
Stack-allocated hash map and set.
file SmallVector.h
Implements fast resizable array template.
file String.h
Various string utilities.
file TimeTrace.h
Time tracing for profiling performance.
file TypeTraits.h
Various type trait template helpers.
file Util.h
Various utility functions and basic types used throughout the library.
file VersionInfo.h
Library build-time version information.