dir slang Root of the slang library.
dir ast The SystemVerilog AST.
dir expressions Expression definitions.
- file AssertionExpr.h Assertion expression creation and analysis.
- file AssignmentExpressions.h Definitions for assignment-related expressions.
- file CallExpression.h Definitions for call expressions.
- file ConversionExpression.h Definitions for conversion expressions.
- file LiteralExpressions.h Definitions for literal expressions.
- file MiscExpressions.h Definitions for miscellaneous expressions.
- file Operator.h Definitions and helpers for dealing with operators.
- file OperatorExpressions.h Definitions for operator expressions.
- file SelectExpressions.h Definitions for selection expressions.
dir symbols Symbol definitions.
- file AttributeSymbol.h Symbol definition for source attributes.
- file BlockSymbols.h Contains block-related hierarchy symbol definitions.
- file ClassSymbols.h Class-related symbol definitions.
- file CompilationUnitSymbols.h Contains compilation unit-related symbol definitions.
- file CoverSymbols.h Contains coverage-related symbol definitions.
- file InstanceSymbols.h Contains instance-related symbol definitions.
- file MemberSymbols.h Contains member-related symbol definitions.
- file ParameterSymbols.h Contains parameter-related symbol definitions.
- file PortSymbols.h Contains port-related symbol definitions.
- file SpecifySymbols.h Contains specify block symbol definitions.
- file SubroutineSymbols.h Contains subroutine symbol definitions.
- file SymbolBuilders.h Contains helpers for constructing symbols programmatically.
- file ValueSymbol.h Base class for all value symbols.
- file VariableSymbols.h Contains variable-related symbol definitions.
dir types Type definitions.
- file AllTypes.h All type symbol definitions.
- file DeclaredType.h Glue logic between symbols and their declared types.
- file NetType.h Type class for nettypes.
- file Type.h Base class for all expression types.
- file TypePrinter.h Type printing utilities.
- file ASTContext.h AST creation context.
- file ASTSerializer.h Support for serializing an AST.
- file ASTVisitor.h AST traversal.
- file Bitstream.h Helpers for implementing bit-stream casting and streaming operators.
- file Compilation.h Central manager for compilation processes.
- file Constraints.h Constraint creation and analysis.
- file EvalContext.h Expression evaluation context.
- file Expression.h Expression creation and analysis.
- file HierarchicalReference.h Helper type for representing a hierarchical reference.
- file Lookup.h Symbol lookup logic.
- file LValue.h Compile-time lvalue representation (for constant evaluation)
- file OpaqueInstancePath.h Helper type for representing an opaque path to an instance.
- file Patterns.h AST definitions for pattern matching.
- file Scope.h Base class for symbols that represent lexical scopes.
- file ScriptSession.h High-level interface to the compiler tools to evaluate snippets of code.
- file SemanticFacts.h Semantic enums and conversion methods.
- file SFormat.h SystemVerilog string formatting routines.
- file Statement.h Statement creation and analysis.
- file Symbol.h Base class for all elaborated symbols.
- file SystemSubroutine.h System-defined subroutine handling.
- file TimingControl.h Timing control creation and analysis.
dir expressions Expression definitions.
dir diagnostics Diagnostic definitions.
- file DiagArgFormatter.h Interface for formatting custom diagnostic argument types.
- file DiagnosticClient.h Client interface for diagnostic rendering.
- file DiagnosticEngine.h Primary interface for managing diagnostic reporting.
- file Diagnostics.h Diagnostic definitions.
- file TextDiagnosticClient.h Diagnostic client that formats to a text string.
dir driver Frontend tool driver.
- file Driver.h Top-level handler for processing arguments and constructing a compilation for a CLI tool.
- file SourceLoader.h High-level source file loading, library mapping, and parsing.
dir numeric Numeric-related utility types.
- file ConstantValue.h Compile-time constant representation.
- file MathUtils.h Various math utilities.
- file SVInt.h Arbitrary precision integer support.
- file Time.h Contains various time-related utilities and functions.
dir parsing Lexing, preprocessing, and parsing functionality.
- file Lexer.h Source file lexer.
- file LexerFacts.h Random lexer-related utility functions.
- file NumberParser.h Helper type to parse numeric literals.
- file Parser.h SystemVerilog language parser.
- file ParserBase.h Base class for parsing.
- file ParserMetadata.h Metadata collected during parsing.
- file Preprocessor.h SystemVerilog preprocessor and directive support.
- file Token.h Contains the Token class and related helpers.
dir syntax Syntax tree manipulation.
- file SyntaxFacts.h Various syntax-related utility methods.
- file SyntaxNode.h Base class and utilities for syntax nodes.
- file SyntaxPrinter.h Support for printing syntax nodes and tokens.
- file SyntaxTree.h Top-level parser interface.
- file SyntaxVisitor.h Syntax tree visitor support.
dir text Source file and text manipulation.
- file CharInfo.h Various character-related utilities.
- file Glob.h File name pattern globbing.
- file Json.h Minimal JSON serialization support.
- file SourceLocation.h Source element location tracking.
- file SourceManager.h Source file management.
dir util Various generic utility types.
- file Bag.h General container of arbitrary objects, keyed by type.
- file BumpAllocator.h Fast allocator based on pointer bumping.
- file CommandLine.h Command line argument parsing support.
- file CopyPtr.h Value-copying smart pointer.
- file Enum.h Various enum utilities.
- file Function.h Function-related utilities.
- file Hash.h General hashing algorithms.
- file IntervalMap.h Specialized map data structure with interval keys.
- file Iterator.h Helper classes for working with iterators.
- file LanguageVersion.h Enum specify SystemVerilog language versions.
- file OS.h Operating system-specific utilities.
- file PointerIntPair.h Space optimized pointer + int pair type.
- file PoolAllocator.h An allocator that saves recycled objects in a pool.
- file Random.h Utility functions related to randomization.
- file SafeIndexedVector.h Type-safe indexed container.
- file ScopeGuard.h Contains the ScopeGuard utility class.
- file SmallVector.h Implements fast resizable array template.
- file String.h Various string utilities.
- file ThreadPool.h Lightweight thread pool class.
- file TimeTrace.h Time tracing for profiling performance.
- file TypeTraits.h Various type trait template helpers.
- file Util.h Various utility functions and basic types used throughout the library.
- file VersionInfo.h Library build-time version information.
dir ast The SystemVerilog AST.
- file TokenKind.h Generated TokenKind and TriviaKind enums.
- file AllSyntax.h All generated syntax node data structures.
- file SyntaxFwd.h Forward declarations for syntax node types.
- file SyntaxKind.h Generated SyntaxKind enum.