/home/runner/work/slang/slang/include/slang/ast/types/DeclaredType.h file

Glue logic between symbols and their declared types.


namespace slang
Root namespace.
namespace slang::ast
The SystemVerilog AST.


class slang::ast::DeclaredType
Ties together various syntax nodes that declare the type of some parent symbol along with the logic necessary to resolve that type.


enum class DeclaredTypeFlags { None = 0, InferImplicit = 1 << 0, InitializerCantSeeParent = 1 << 1, InitializerOverridden = 1 << 2, TypeOverridden = 1 << 3, AutomaticInitializer = 1 << 4, TypedefTarget = 1 << 5, NetType = 1 << 6, UserDefinedNetType = 1 << 7, FormalArgMergeVar = 1 << 8, Rand = 1 << 9, DPIReturnType = 1 << 10, DPIArg = 1 << 11, AllowUnboundedLiteral = 1 << 12, RequireSequenceType = 1 << 13, CoverageType = 1 << 14, InterconnectNet = 1 << 15, InterfaceVariable = 1 << 16, NeedsTypeCheck = NetType | UserDefinedNetType | FormalArgMergeVar | Rand | DPIReturnType | DPIArg | RequireSequenceType | CoverageType | InterfaceVariable }
Various flags that control declared type resolution.