/home/runner/work/slang/slang/include/slang/ast/statements/LoopStatements.h file

Loop statement definitions.


namespace slang
Root namespace.
namespace slang::ast
The SystemVerilog AST.


class slang::ast::ReturnStatement
Represents a return statement.
class slang::ast::BreakStatement
Represents a break statement.
class slang::ast::ContinueStatement
Represents a continue statement.
class slang::ast::ForLoopStatement
Represents a for loop statement.
class slang::ast::RepeatLoopStatement
Represents a repeat loop statement.
class slang::ast::ForeachLoopStatement
Represents a foreach loop statement.
struct slang::ast::ForeachLoopStatement::LoopDim
Describes one dimension that will be iterated by the loop.
class slang::ast::WhileLoopStatement
Represents a while loop statement.
class slang::ast::DoWhileLoopStatement
Represents a do while loop statement.
class slang::ast::ForeverLoopStatement
Represents a forever loop statement.