slang::ast::ASTSerializer class

A class that serializes AST nodes to JSON.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

ASTSerializer(Compilation& compilation, JsonWriter& writer)
Constructs a new instance of the ASTSerializer class.

Public functions

void setIncludeAddresses(bool set)
Sets a flag that indicates whether the addresses of AST objects should be included in the JSON output.
void setIncludeSourceInfo(bool set)
Sets a flag that indicates whether source line and file information should be included in the JSON output.
void setDetailedTypeInfo(bool set)
Sets a flag that indicates whether detailed type information is included in the output.
void setTryConstantFold(bool set)
Sets a flag that indicates whether the serializer should attempt to constant fold expressions that haven't already been evaluated at least once.
void serialize(const Symbol& symbol, bool inMembersArray = false)
Serializes a symbol to JSON.
void serialize(const Expression& expr)
Serializes an expression to JSON.
void serialize(const Statement& statement)
Serializes a statement to JSON.
void serialize(const TimingControl& timing)
Serializes a timing control to JSON.
void serialize(const Constraint& constraint)
Serializes a constraint to JSON.
void serialize(const AssertionExpr& assertionExpr)
Serializes an assertion expression to JSON.
void serialize(const BinsSelectExpr& binsSelectExpr)
Serializes a bin select expression to JSON.
void serialize(const Pattern& pattern)
Serializes a pattern to JSON.
void serialize(std::string_view value)
Serializes the given verbatim string to JSON.
void startArray()
Starts a new array in the serialized output.
void startArray(std::string_view name)
Starts a new array property with the given name in the serialized output.
void endArray()
Ends a previously started array.
void startObject()
Starts a new object in the serialized output.
void endObject()
Ends the previously started object.
void writeProperty(std::string_view name)
Writes a property with the given name but no value (it is expected that you will write the value next).
void write(std::string_view name, std::string_view value)
Writes a property with the given value to the serialized output.
void write(std::string_view name, int64_t value)
Writes a property with the given value to the serialized output.
void write(std::string_view name, uint64_t value)
Writes a property with the given value to the serialized output.
void write(std::string_view name, double value)
Writes a property with the given value to the serialized output.
void write(std::string_view name, bool value)
Writes a property with the given value to the serialized output.
void write(std::string_view name, const std::string& value)
Writes a property with the given value to the serialized output.
void write(std::string_view name, const Symbol& value)
Writes a property with the given value to the serialized output.
void write(std::string_view name, const ConstantValue& value)
Writes a property with the given value to the serialized output.
void write(std::string_view name, const Expression& value)
Writes a property with the given value to the serialized output.
void write(std::string_view name, const Statement& value)
Writes a property with the given value to the serialized output.
void write(std::string_view name, const TimingControl& value)
Writes a property with the given value to the serialized output.
void write(std::string_view name, const Constraint& value)
Writes a property with the given value to the serialized output.
void write(std::string_view name, const AssertionExpr& value)
Writes a property with the given value to the serialized output.
void write(std::string_view name, const BinsSelectExpr& value)
Writes a property with the given value to the serialized output.
void write(std::string_view name, const Pattern& value)
Writes a property with the given value to the serialized output.
void writeLink(std::string_view name, const Symbol& value)
Writes a property with a link to the given symbol to the serialized output.
template<std::signed_integral T>
void write(std::string_view name, T value)
Writes a property with the given signed integral value to the serialized output.
template<std::unsigned_integral T>
void write(std::string_view name, T value)
Writes a property with the given unsigned integral value to the serialized output.
template<typename T>
void write(std::string_view name, T value) deleted
Writes a property with the given pointer value to the serialized output.
template<typename T>
void write(std::string_view name, not_null<T> value) deleted
Writes a property with the given value to the serialized output.