slang::ast::Symbol class

Base class for all symbols (logical code constructs) such as modules, types, functions, variables, etc.

Derived classes

class AssertionPortSymbol
Represents a formal argument / port of an assertion construct, such as a sequence, property, or let construct.
class CheckerSymbol
Represents a checker declaration.
class ClockingBlockSymbol
Represents a clocking block.
class CompilationUnitSymbol
The root of a single compilation unit.
class ConfigBlockSymbol
Represents a config block declaration.
class ConstraintBlockSymbol
Represents a named constraint block declaration within a class.
class ContinuousAssignSymbol
Represents a continuous assignment statement.
class CoverCrossBodySymbol
Represents the body of a cover cross type, separated out because the members of the cross body can't be accessed outside of the cross itself.
class CovergroupBodySymbol
Represents the body of a covergroup type, separated out because the arguments of a covergroup need to live in their own scope so that they can be shadowed by body members.
class DefParamSymbol
Represents a defparam directive.
class DefinitionSymbol
Represents a module, interface, or program definition.
class ElabSystemTaskSymbol
Represents an elaboration system task, such as $error or $warning.
class EmptyMemberSymbol
Represents an empty member, i.e.
class ExplicitImportSymbol
Represents an explicit import from a package.
class ForwardingTypedefSymbol
A forward declaration of a user-defined type name.
class GenerateBlockArraySymbol
Represents an array of generate blocks, as generated by a loop generate construct.
class GenerateBlockSymbol
Represents blocks that are instantiated by a loop generate or conditional generate construct.
class GenericClassDefSymbol
Represents a generic class definition, which is a parameterized class that has not yet had its parameter values specified.
class GenvarSymbol
Represents a genvar declaration.
class InstanceSymbolBase
Common functionality for module, interface, program, and primitive instances.
class InterfacePortSymbol
Represents the public-facing side of a module / program / interface port that is also a connection to an interface instance (optionally with a modport restriction).
struct InvalidSymbol
A placeholder symbol type that represents an unknown or invalid symbol.
class LetDeclSymbol
Represents a let declaration.
class ModportClockingSymbol
Represents a clocking block port.
class ModportSymbol
Represents a modport within an interface definition.
class MultiPortSymbol
Represents a multi-port, which is a port symbol that externally appears as a single connection but internally connects to multiple names, potentially with varying directions.
class NetType
Base class for all net types in SystemVerilog.
class PackageSymbol
A SystemVerilog package construct.
class PortSymbol
Represents the public-facing side of a module / program / interface port.
class PropertySymbol
Represents a named property object.
class RootSymbol
Represents the entirety of a design, along with all contained compilation units.
class SequenceSymbol
Represents a named sequence object.
class SubroutineSymbol
Represents a subroutine (task or function).
class TransparentMemberSymbol
A class that wraps a hoisted transparent type member, such as an enum value or a symbol inherited from a base class, into a scope.
class Type
Base class for all data types in SystemVerilog.
class UninstantiatedDefSymbol
Represents an instance of a definition (module / interface / program / checker) that is not actually instantiated in the design.
class ValueSymbol
A base class for symbols that represent a value (for example a variable or a parameter).
class WildcardImportSymbol
Represents a wildcard import declaration.

Public functions

auto getParentScope() const -> const Scope*
Gets the logical parent scope that contains this symbol.
auto getHierarchicalParent() const -> const Scope*
Gets the parent scope of this symbol in terms of its hierarchy location.
auto getSyntax() const -> const syntax::SyntaxNode*
Gets the syntax node that was used to create this symbol, if any.
auto isScope() const -> bool
Determines whether this symbol also represents a scope.
auto isType() const -> bool
Determines whether this symbol represents a type.
auto isValue() const -> bool
Determines whether this symbol represents a value.
auto getDeclaredType() const -> const DeclaredType*
If the symbol has a declared type, returns a pointer to it. Otherwise returns nullptr.
void getHierarchicalPath(std::string& buffer) const
Gets the symbol's hierarchical path by walking up to the root node and appending each parent's name.
void getLexicalPath(std::string& buffer) const
Gets the symbol's lexical path by walking up to the compilation unit and appending each parent's name.
auto isDeclaredBefore(const Symbol& symbol) const -> std::optional<bool>
Determines whether this symbol is considered to be declared before the given symbol, in the same compilation unit.
auto getDeclaringDefinition() const -> const DefinitionSymbol*
Gets the definition in which this symbol is declared.
auto getSourceLibrary() const -> const SourceLibrary*
Gets the source library that contains this symbol.
auto getRandMode() const -> RandMode
If this symbol is a random variable, returns its mode.
void setAttributes(const Scope& scope, std::span<const syntax::AttributeInstanceSyntax*const> syntax)
Sets the attributes associated with this symbol.
template<typename T>
auto as() -> decltype(auto)
Casts this symbol to the given concrete derived type.
template<typename T>
auto as_if() -> decltype(auto)
Tries to cast this symbol to the given concrete derived type.
template<typename T>
auto as() const -> const T&
Casts this symbol to the given concrete derived type.
template<typename T>
auto as_if() const -> const T*
Tries to cast this symbol to the given concrete derived type.
auto getIndex() const -> SymbolIndex
Gets the index of the symbol within its parent scope, which can be used to determine the relative ordering of scope members.
void setIndex(SymbolIndex index)
Sets the index of this symbol within its parent scope.
void setSyntax(const syntax::SyntaxNode& node)
Sets the syntax that was used to create this symbol.
auto getNextSibling() const -> const Symbol*
Returns the next sibling symbol in the parent scope, if one exists.
void setParent(const Scope& scope)
Sets the parent scope of this symbol.
void setParent(const Scope& scope, SymbolIndex index)
Sets the parent scope of this symbol.
template<typename TVisitor, typename... Args>
auto visit(TVisitor&& visitor, Args && ... args) const -> decltype(auto)
Visits this symbol's concrete derived type via the provided visitor object.

Public variables

SymbolKind kind
The type of symbol.
std::string_view name
The name of the symbol; if the symbol does not have a name, this will be an empty string.
SourceLocation location
The declared location of the symbol in the source code, or an empty location if it was not explicitly declared in the source text.

Function documentation

const Scope* slang::ast::Symbol::getHierarchicalParent() const

Gets the parent scope of this symbol in terms of its hierarchy location.

This is the same as getParentScope except for instance body symbols.

const syntax::SyntaxNode* slang::ast::Symbol::getSyntax() const

Gets the syntax node that was used to create this symbol, if any.

Symbols can be created without any originating syntax; in those cases, this returns nullptr.

std::optional<bool> slang::ast::Symbol::isDeclaredBefore(const Symbol& symbol) const

Determines whether this symbol is considered to be declared before the given symbol, in the same compilation unit.

If it is, this method returns true. Otherwise it returns false. If the given symbol is not even in the same compilation unit as this one, returns std::nullopt.

const DefinitionSymbol* slang::ast::Symbol::getDeclaringDefinition() const

Gets the definition in which this symbol is declared.

If the symbol isn't declared in a definition, returns nullptr.

RandMode slang::ast::Symbol::getRandMode() const

If this symbol is a random variable, returns its mode.

Otherwise returns RandMode::None.

template<typename T>
decltype(auto) slang::ast::Symbol::as()

Casts this symbol to the given concrete derived type.

Asserts that the type is appropriate given this symbol's kind.

template<typename T>
decltype(auto) slang::ast::Symbol::as_if()

Tries to cast this symbol to the given concrete derived type.

If the type is not appropriate given this symbol's kind, returns nullptr.

template<typename T>
const T& slang::ast::Symbol::as() const

Casts this symbol to the given concrete derived type.

Asserts that the type is appropriate given this symbol's kind.

template<typename T>
const T* slang::ast::Symbol::as_if() const

Tries to cast this symbol to the given concrete derived type.

If the type is not appropriate given this symbol's kind, returns nullptr.

void slang::ast::Symbol::setParent(const Scope& scope)

Sets the parent scope of this symbol.

Typically this is not called directly; add the symbol to the scope via the Scope::addMember method.

void slang::ast::Symbol::setParent(const Scope& scope, SymbolIndex index)

Sets the parent scope of this symbol.

Typically this is not called directly; add the symbol to the scope via the Scope::addMember method.